As we wind down from 2019, lets enter 2020 with perfect vision! Start by cleaning the space around you, including your home! Check out these 5 tips!
1. Attack One Room at a Time
Decluttering your entire home can be a daunting task, so try breaking it down into manageable tasks so you can feel successful. There is nothing like the power of positivity to help motivate you to keep going, so hit one room at a time. You can either “attack the frog” by doing the largest and worst room, OR, start with the smallest and easiest room to get your mojo going!
2. Identify the Nonessentials
Consider what’s essential and what’s not. If you can live without it, toss it, or better yet, donate it! Think back over 2019… did you even use it? Chances are, there has been a more updated version that has already been released and so when you need it again, whatever it is, you can just get the new one.
3. Curate the Surfaces
Countertops, tables, and shelves tend to be “catach-all” spaces. By getting rid or finding new homes for those items, it will drastically help the visual appeal of your areas.
4. A Place for Everything
Once you’ve decided what to keep, then designate a place for the remaining items. Stay consistent to these spaces at all times and you will not only have a clean space, but you will be able to maintain them as well! Get your whole family to buy in by asking for their help in coming up with good places for them!
5. Hide the Wires
Whenever possible, opt for the wireless versions of the equipment you have. When not possible, duct tape and screws can go a long way! Use your TV stands to hide as many cables as possible, and keep things off of the floor. Not only will this look better, but it will make it easier to clean those floors, too!

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